Watch Brass Knuckles Spot That Hospitalized 16-Year-Old Indie Wrestler


Sometimes things don’t go as planned in the pro wrestling ring. After all, you can’t control everything that happens. But when you plan a spot after a match involving a foreign object sometimes adrenaline gets the best of people and they get caught up in the moment. Whatever you want to put the blame on, indie wrestler Corey Storm had a pretty bad time last week at Prodigy Pro Wrestling’s “King Of Pain” event in Memphis, Indiana.

Corey Storm is a talented 16-year-old professional wrestler who keeps a rather busy schedule and in spite of his age, he continues to impress people where ever he goes. Storm participated in a fatal four-way match at the King Of Pain show against Daniel Eads, Gary Jay, and Logan James. There was a planned spot after the match where Eads was supposed to attack Storm with a pair of brass knuckles, but as you can see from Corey Storm’s Facebook post the following morning, things didn’t go quite as planned.

The 16-year-old took a stiff shot to the face with the brass knuckles Eads brought into the ring and suffered a minor concussion, large facial contusion, and a broken nose in the process. Corey Storm spent that night in the emergency room and when he was released the following morning he wasn’t too happy at all about how it all went down.

Let’s hope Storm can avoid any future contact with that kind of weapon. After all, at 16-years-old he still has a long career ahead of him if he’s smart about it.

You can check out the video of the match and the attack below. The brass knuckles spot takes place in the closing moments of the video and as you can see, things might have got a little out of hand. All I can say is, “ouch!”

PPW KING OF PAIN : Corey Storm Attacked!



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