Vince Russo recently posted a lengthy blog on his new website about Eric Young winning the TNA World Heavyweight Championship. You can read the entire post by clicking HERE and you can read an excerpt below:

“Over the years there were many other conversations with EY backstage at Universal Studios, during times when he may have been getting down on his position in the company, again, I would look him in the eye and say, “Eric–this is the WRESTLING BUSINESS, you have very little control over anything. All you can do is go out there and be the best you can be, but remember–-the cream ALWAYS rises to the top–-you can’t stop talent”. I told EY those words, because from my heart–-I meant them. Over the years EY had become one of the most talented personalities I had ever worked with. I knew that EY was great inside, and out, and he didn’t need his spot on the roster to affirm that. But, I also knew that some day, some way, some how . . . . .

I was watching from home the night EY won the TNA World Title in Orlando. I’m not ashamed at all to say that I cried. I cried because no matter how “predetermined” wrestling is–-this moment in time was not fake to EY. This was that one moment that he had dreamed about his entire life–-and it was here! I would have done anything to be there with him that night–-ANYTHING.”