Vince McMahon And Triple H Butting Heads Over CM Punk?


There are numerous rumors circulating throughout the wrestling community as of late in regards to CM Punk’s WWE departure. The latest rumor is that Vince McMahon wants to bring CM Punk back before WrestleMania XXX because he is afraid of how the fans will react if Punk isn’t on the card. Triple H apparently isn’t as keen on the idea of bringing him back. Word going around is that Triple H feels disrespected over CM Punk walking out on the company. One of the many reasons for Punk leaving is that he wasn’t thrilled about facing Triple H at WrestleMania XXX. Naturally this has caused rumors to pop up saying that Hunter was upset over the fact that CM Punk doesn’t consider a match with Triple H to be a “big match.”

As of right now it’s being said that Vince McMahon is hoping to get in touch with CM Punk while Triple H is staying out of it. Due to the fact that Triple H is in a position of power they don’t want any personal grudges getting in the way of business.


  1. Paul needs to get out of the way. If Hugh Hefner wasn’t a bazillionaire would any of these chicks hook up with him? His status doesn’t suddenly make him super attractive.

    Paul’s position of power that has built the illusion that he’s some kind of headliner, doesn’t mean anyone is going to have a good, meaningful or memorable match with him.


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