The March issue of Muscle & Fitness Magazine, which features Vince McMahon on the cover, also contains an interview with Vince, and below are some highlights:

His favorite WrestleMania moment:

“WrestleMania III in front of what was the largest indoor attendance record- 93,000 people at the Silverdome in suburban Detroit. When Hulk Hogan slammed Andre the Giant. I think that’s been the biggest moment thus far.”

If the company will surpass the WrestleMania 3 record:

“I think there’s a good opportunity with an announcement we’ll make soon.”

The future of WWE if he retires or goes “up to that big ring in the sky”:

“Our future from a corporate standpoint is extremely strong because we have so many talented executives, and they all bring different strengths to the table. Steph and Paul will certainly have significant roles going forward. I think when I kick, the organization is going to change, and I think for the better, because there’s no one person who can do all that I can do because of my background. There’s no one individual who’s going to take my place.”

His favorite WWE Superstar:

“That would be Undertaker because of his loyalty, his longevity, and his extraordinary commitment to his character. We have lots of fun creating fun. [Superstars] try to crack each other up from time to time, and we all have tried to get Undertaker to break character, and we can’t do it. He is such a professional and an extraordinary human being behind the character. He’s committed to his craft and has worked through his injuries.”