Vince McMahon Congratulates Xavier Woods For Online Videos

vince mcmahon

If you are a novice in the Internet Wrestling Community, then you might not know it but Xaview Woods, aka Austin Creed, is quite famous on the information superhighway. As a matter of fact, his popularity is only growing more at this point due to some videos of him having fun playing video games, what did you think we were talking about? Woods didn’t necessarily create the genre of video game YouTube videos, but he’s certainly revolutionized them in regards to having participation from WWE Superstars.

Xavier Woods’ YouTube channel, UpUpDownDown, has been going strong for quite some time now. With the addition of Madden tournaments along with playing other classic games, WWE fans have flocked to his channel for a good time.

The added bonus is, of course, fans get to see a different side of WWE superstars they wouldn’t normally get to see on television. Rivals will set aside their individual search for WWE championships to sit down and play a competitive video game. But, the trash talk is always as real as it can get. Sometimes the things said on UpUpDownDown are actually more of a shoot than what makes it on television.

The Chairman of the Board, Vince McMahon wanted to get in on the action, but we’re betting he’s too busy to sit down and play some game. So Vince just sent out a really cool congratulatory message via Twitter. Xavier did send out an open invitation for the boss to show up whenever he wants to get down with some video games. If Vince McMahon ever showed up on UpUpDownDown it just might break the internet.


  1. Are you sure Vince was congratulating him for his video game work on UpUpDownDown, or was it his work with Paige on UpDownUpDown?


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