Victim Of WWE Performance Center Shooting Arrested Once More

performance center

In August of 2015, Armando Alejandro Montalvo was arrested for trespassing outside of the WWE Performance Center in Orlando. During the incident, WWE ended up seeking an injunction against him to make sure he didn’t come back. However this did not affect Montalvo as he kept coming back to the WWE PC, demanding a job, harassing developmental talent, and he also threw poo at the Performance Center building.

The climax of the incident came when he showed up at the Performance Center once more while talking as if he was cutting a scathing promo in the vein of a WWE superstar. He began beating on the doors and demanding to be trained. During this occurrence police were called to the scene and they eventually shot Montalvo because there was no controlling him.

Montalvo’s issue was so bad that it got to the point where WWE officials had to hire off-duty police officers for extra security.

When asked about the event, a local law enforcement officer stated that Montalvo seemed to be focusing his attention on a certain female developmental talent and had been trespassing on the property several times before the arrest was made. The name of the female developmental talent that he was stalking was never released.

This wasn’t his first brush with the law either because he had also been charged in the past for battery on a person 65 years or older, fraud, assault on a law enforcement officer, and violating a domestic injunction.

Montalvo was sent to a medical facility for treatment after being shot outside the Performance Center, and he made a full recovery. He was charged with aggravated assault on law enforcement officers, resisting arrest, and trespassing for this altercation.

Montalvo plead not guilty to all charges and posted bail where he was released. He was arrested once more for another crime in January, and had another day in court on Friday which didn’t go too well for him.

The charged man’s father spoke up for him in court and stated that his son is dealing with borderline personality disorder and schizophrenia which he was not being medicated for due to noncompliance on Montalvo’s part because he didn’t take his medication. He was denied release and will remain in jail due to the prosecutors stating that his own father proved their point that he didn’t need to be left to his own devices.

According to, Montalvo then began yelling about the 2015 WWE Performance Center incident, “I was shot by police! I got shot by police, I got shot by police! I’m the victim!” He was removed from the courtroom and his bond was revoked.

Montalvo was in court this time due to a recent incident that happened in January outside of an Orlando bar where he took a vacuum hose, put one end down his pants and attempted to shove the other end up unsuspecting women’s skirts. He is currently being held without bond.

This guy sounds like a winner.


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