Val Venis Almost Joined DX Back In The Day


D-Generation X is one of the most popular professional wrestling stables of all time, and even though The Attitude Era is long gone, the legacy of DX is still going strong. Wrestling fans around the world are still saying “suck it” and throwing up crotch chops when the occasion calls for it, and the fact that DX is still so popular is a testament to how entertaining the group was.

Fans always argue over whether the NWO or DX was the superior faction during the Monday Night Wars. One of the arguments people have when saying that DX was better than NWO is that NWO added too many members, and D-Generation X kept things simple by sticking with a core group.

However, during a recent interview with Sport Illustrated, Sean Waltman recently revealed that at one point Vince Russo was pushing for Val Venis to join the group, but they shut him down.

“Russo wanted to put Val Venis in DX, but we said no,” said Waltman. “We stuck to our guns because he wasn’t right for DX. So, for Bullet Club, if New Japan or Ring of Honor wants Bullet Club to do something they don’t want to do, Bullet Club needs to remember this is their creation and their baby. Stick to your guns. If you feel like someone is not right, then don’t let it be done.”

Nowadays the group’s lineup is somewhat iconic, so it’s hard to imagine anyone else being a part of D-Generation X.

Do you think Val Venis would have been a good fit for the group? Sound off in the comments below.


  1. At the time, I remember thinking Val Venis and DX had some similarities (with the sexual innuendos and stuff) but that their STYLES were totally different. So no. He wouldn’t have fit with that group. I liked him just the same though.


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