Update On Nikki Bella’s Retirement, When Her WWE Contract Expires


The rumored match-up for WrestleMania in Orlando is John Cena and Nikki Bella squaring off against Miz and Maryse in a mixed-tag match, but Nikki’s future after that has been a great topic of conversation recently. It was initially rumored that she was planning to retire after the show of shows in Orlando, but Pro Wrestling Sheet reported that Nikki won’t be fully retiring after WrestleMania, and the latest edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter corroborates that story.

It’s being reported that Nikki’s neck problems coming off of her last corrective surgery have been acting up to the point where half of her body is going numb at times. This is why she missed Smackdown recently and shot an injury angle at the end of Talking Smack.

Her recent neck flare-up might also explain why her feud with Nattie has featured so many promos and non-wrestling segments without settling much in the ring. Nikki is in pain, and her neck isn’t 100%, even though she’s tried to minimize the damage she takes on herself in her move-set like axing her “Rack Attack” finisher.

It was noted that she is hoping that taking some time off and only wrestling “major events” will allow her to return in some capacity, but her time as a full-time wrestler is over. Her WWE contract is reportedly set to expire after Mania, but she’s expected to stay on with the company in some capacity.

The fact that she’s now an executive producer on Total Divas might mean more than the fact that she’s branching out into other avenues in the entertainment industry, it also might mean that she’s preparing herself for other roles within the company completely.

Neither Bella Twin is expected to ever fully leave the company even after their initial in-ring careers are over.



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