The Undertaker Wearing Golf Clothes Is A Sight That Can’t Be Unseen

the undertaker

The Undertaker is an absolute legend inside the squared circle. He’s beaten them all and he’s beaten quite a few of wrestling’s biggest names on the Grandest Stage of Them All.

Taker is without a doubt one of the most intimidating performers to ever step in the ring. But behind the robes, the druids, the lightning bolts, the supernatural powers there is a man, a man with hobbies.

It just so happens that one of of The Undertaker’s hobbies is playing golf and he was recently spotted in golf attire and as the headline says, it’s a sight that can’t be unseen.

A redditor by the name of EnzohGorlami encountered The Undertaker in a pro-shop wearing cargo shorts and sandals, and Taker was nice enough to pose for a photo with the man. Which you can check out below.

#theundertaker in #golf clothes… Whoa

A photo posted by Welcome To Suplex City (@welcometosuplexcity) on




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