Triple H has had a wonderful career. He started as a snob aristocrat and transformed that gimmick into greatness.
Back in 1995, Triple H was still Hunter Hearst Hemsley and was paired with Lord Steven Regal. They weren’t paired up for long though because Triple H soon sought out greener pastures with Vince McMahon. It would turn out to be the right move for him.
Who would have thought when watching those bluebloods walk through a WCW curtain that someday they would have the positions they do now in WWE? It really is quite remarkable. The pro wrestling business is awesome.
Today is William Regal’s birthday and Triple H found an excellent way to wish him a happy birthday. Trips and Regal still work very closely together as they foster new talent at the WWE Performance Center and beyond. They are two of the most valuable assets WWE has at this point when it comes to recgonizing new talent and giving them the tools to grow.
Happy birthday Sir William Regal from all of us here at Still Real To Us.
24 years later and still partners…
who woulda thought?!
Happy birthday, my friend!@RealKingRegal— Triple H (@TripleH) May 10, 2017
Triple H might be The King Of Kings to us today, but there was a time when he was just another kid at a Boys And Girls Club. Today he has come full circle. Trips was inducted into The Boys And Girls Club Alumni Hall Of Fame.
This is a pretty big honor, to be honest. The Boys And Girls Club Alumni Hall Of Fame is a place for amazing individuals who were influenced by their own local Boys And Girls Club as youths and went on to great success.
He joins a list of some great company with this honor. Many amazing athletes and other celebrities have been inducted before him including Michael Jordan, Jackie Joyner-Kersee, and Shaq. It’s a big deal for anyone with memories of going to their Boys And Girls Club as a kid.