Triple H On Whether He Would Have Ended The Undertaker’s Streak If He Were In Charge

the undertaker

The Undertaker is one of the most iconic wrestlers to ever lace up a pair of boots, but now that he’s in a very different stage of his career he’s been taking a lot of time to reflect.

Other people in the wrestling community have also been reflecting on some of The Undertaker’s biggest moments, and the streak ending is without a doubt one the most polarizing events from his WWE run.

Triple H recently discussed The Undertaker’s streak ending while talking to the Gorilla Position, and he noted that Taker went along with it because it was Vince McMahon’s decision.

“I believe he would make what he believed to be the right decision for everyone in that moment. Is it the right decision? It’s easy to look back hindsight 20/20 and say, is it or isn’t? But in that moment, I believe he would have believed it was and that leads me to think that maybe if I knew all the things that he knew, that maybe I would have done it too, but I don’t know because I don’t know what all those factors were.”

Do you think ending the streak was the right call? Sound off in the comments below.

Director's cut of The Undertaker's Streak ending

H/T Sportskeeda


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