Triple H On If NXT Should Be Longer Than 1 Hour

triple h

NXT is Triple H’s baby, and the brand has received a lot of praise over the last few years. The weekly series which airs on the WWE Network is only one hour long, which is a good thing because it doesn’t leave much room for filler, but some fans have wondered if we could see the show extend to two hours in the future.

Triple H recently spoke to ESPN about possibly expanding NXT, and he shared his reasons for why he loves the one hour format.

“There are times when I look at NXT and part of me loves the hour format because everybody’s got busy lives,” said Levesque. “By the time you get to Wednesday … if you’re a huge fan, by the time you get to Wednesday, you’ve watched five hours of WWE, and then you’re watching NXT. And that’s if you didn’t watch ‘205 Live.’ There’s a lot out there. The great thing is they’re all slightly different, so there’s a little bit of something for everybody.”

The mastermind behind NXT went on to say he tries to set up the show in a way that will leave the fans wanting more.

“I run into things, for me, when we’re scripting out weekly episodes of NXT, [where] it’s like, ‘Oh, man, I’d really like to debut this person, or do this thing with this new character, or help get a persona going or something [else], and I don’t have the room to do it. There’s a fine line between that and leaving them wanting more, so it’s a balance.”

Do you think NXT should expand to two hours? Sound off in the comments below.


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