Triple H On If Daniel Bryan Will Get A Title Shot When He Returns


Above is the latest sitdown interview with Michael Cole and Triple H. Below are some highlights:

* He said the situation with Daniel Bryan had been going on for too long and we finally have a definite course of action. He said Bryan is no longer the WWE World Heavyweight Champion because he can’t defend and The Authority was excited to announce that we will get a new champion at Money In the Bank.

* Cole brought up Triple H’s past injuries and asked how this is any different. He said he wasn’t champion at the time and if he was, he would have done what’s right. He said if Bryan wants to come back like he did and win the title, then go ahead and try.

* Cole asked if Triple H will give Bryan a title shot when he returns. Triple H said it all depends on many “ifs” and he can’t predict the future. He said if someone else is the qualified #1 contender at the time, it wouldn’t be fair to move Bryan ahead of them. He said it’s all about what’s best for business.

* Cole brought up how Triple H and Stephanie McMahon have been happy lately, all while problems are happening such as Brad Maddox getting fired, The Shield breaking up, Batista quitting, Randy Orton missing RAW and the situation with the world title. Triple H said Cole worries too much. He says he eradicates the various cancers and when you’re cancer-free, you celebrate. He said top Superstars competing for the title in a historic Money In the Bank Ladder Match is a reason to be happy. He guarantees we will see a new WWE World Heavyweight Champion crowned.

* Triple H said this is all about the evolution of WWE and WWE has never been in better hands.


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