Triple H Apologizes To Ric Flair, Talks About Sting At WWE Fastlane And More


Above is Michael Cole’s latest sitdown interview with Triple H. Below are a few highlights:

* Cole asked about John Cena vs. Rusev for the United States Title at WWE Fastlane. Triple H believes Rusev sent a message to Cena that Cena heard loud and clear, that maybe the end is near.

* They talked about Daniel Bryan vs. Roman Reigns at Fastlane and Triple H mentioned that Bryan could be the best wrestler in WWE right now. Triple H said Reigns is willing to stop at nothing to get what he wants. He says it’s going to be interesting to see if technical expertise can win the day or if a good old fashioned ass kicking is in store.

* Cole brought up Sting but Triple H wanted to publicly apologize to Ric Flair first. He said they’ve talked privately and said he feels bad about pushing Flair down. He blamed it on passion and Sting.

* Triple H talked about Sting and The Monday Night War. Triple H doesn’t think Sting arriving in WWE is about him, he believes it’s about taking away WWE. Triple H said fans can cheer for Sting but they don’t really understand what’s at stake. Tripe H sees what Sting is really trying to do and “over his dead body” will Sting succeed. Triple H said there’s nothing more important to him than WWE and his family. He said he will fight for that until his last breath and Sting is going to have to make a decision if it’s worth that fight. Triple H sad he will go down to the bitter end and Sting won’t survive.


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