Triple H Announces Retirement From Wrestling


Triple H has had a long career inside the squared circle, but over the last few months there’s been a lot of talk about his future. Back in September of 2021 it was revealed that Triple H suffered a cardiac event, and since then it’s been rumored that he will never wrestle again.

Now The Game has confirmed to ESPN’s Stephen A. Smith that his career inside the squared circle has officially come to an end due to his health issues.

“For me, as far as in-ring, which I get a lot, I’m done. I won’t – I would never wrestle again. First, I have a defibrillator in my chest. Which, it’s probably not a good idea for me to get zapped on live TV.”

WWE confirmed that Triple H had to undergo emergency surgery last year due to the cardiac event, and the former WWE Champion also shared some more details on the issues that led to the surgery.

“I had viral pneumonia. My lungs were inflamed. and as the next couple of days went on and I got home it got increasingly worse and my wife saw some blood and stuff that I was coughing up. I went and got checked and I – it was coming from the viral pneumonia but I had fluid in my lungs. I had some fluid around my heart. So they followed up on it. Did an EKG and echo and everything and basically the way your heart pumps out 55-65% of your ejection fraction is a good number. I was at 30. and I got a quick text message saying, ‘Don’t take time. Pack a bag real quick, head to the emergency room. I’ll fill you in on the way.

“So by the time I got to the emergency room, my ejection fraction had gone down to 22. Which, I was in heart failure. Bad. By the next morning – as they figured that out that evening – by the next morning as they got the MRI done and they were sending me in for a heart cath my ejection fraction was down to 12. So I was nosediving and sort of at the one-yard line of where you want to be – or where you don’t want to be, really, for your family and your future.”

Triple H tells Stephen A. about a serious health scare & his future in the WWE | Stephen A.'s World

H/T Wrestling Inc.


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