Tommy Dreamer has been a part of some of the most hardcore matches you can think of. He’s been thrown off of high structures, pummeled with Singapore canes and steel chairs alike; but that is nothing compared to a dog’s paw. Tommy Dreamer almost lost an eye in a freak accident yesterday and there’s plenty of photographic evidence (if you’re into that kind of thing).
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The Heart and Soul of ECW noted that he was in rough shape yesterday after his dog jumped up and broke his contact in two, scratching his cornea in the process. Tommy’s eye was so swollen that the doctor stopped trying to find the remainder of his broken contact to minimize risk of further injury. Dreamer says that he is in the “most pain ever,” which means he must be in utter agony considering everything that he’s been through in his career.
Tommy Dreamer posted the following:
This wasn’t just bad news for Dreamer, but also bad news for fans who planned on seeing him in Germany at a GWF wrestling event. Dreamer sent out an update much later after his doctor wouldn’t allow him to fly because he still had the contact lodged somewhere in his eye.
Dreamer posted another update later on where he promises to make a full recovery, although it would probably be the best idea for his dog if it stays away from Tommy for a little while or else he might find out why his master is also known as The Innovator of Violence.