TNA Knockout Brittany On WWE Scouting Her And More


TNA Knockout Brittany recently held a fan interaction interview with the readers of Below is a brief recap of the interview:
If you could face any former TNA Knockout, who would it be?:

Brittany: Definitely Tara. I’m a big fan of hers and wish she was still around.

We all know about your father’s association with the world of professional wrestling but what made you choose pro wrestling as a profession from this point onward in your life? Was there a time, place or event that made you want to stick with pro wrestling for good?

Brittany: Pro wrestling is what my father and I always connected on. I thought I’d give it a try and while I wasn’t that good when I started, my gymnastics background covered some of my flaws. As far as sticking with pro wrestling, everything I do I try to give it 100%. Things keep getting better in wrestling for me, and I love it so much. Not going anywhere!

Back in 2010, you made your first appearance for TNA as a valet for Orlando Jordan. What was that experience like?

Brittany:It was very interesting. I only had about 5 matches under my belt. So, getting into the ring wasn’t really on my mind. Everyone was real nice and my trainers at the Team Vision Dojo were always there so that was very comforting.

Just recently you were a part of the TNA Knockouts Knockdown PPV which featured a group of aspiring Knockouts. Is there anyone in particular from the group you think should be a permanent addition to the roster? Anyone that was not involved in the PPV?

Brittany:Mia Yim and Jessicka Havok are the first two that pop in my head. I’d like to see other girls like Christina Von Eerie and La Rosa Negra get a chance in the near future.

Before signing with TNA, you were being scouted not only by TNA, but by the WWE. What was that like? Were you glad to come to TNA as a Knockout instead of WWE as a Diva?

Brittany: TNA felt like the better fit. They really emphasize their Knockouts division and wish the girls they have, I knew I’d have some great competition.


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