TNA Announces Fatal 4-Way Tag Team Ladder Match For Impact Next Week


Next week on TNA Impact Matt and Jeff Hardy will face off against The Bromans, The Tribunal and The Helms Dynasty in a fatal 4-way tag team ladder match.

TNA has announced that the winners of the match will earn a future shot at the TNA Tag Team Titles which are held by current champions The Decay.

This week on TNA Impact Broken Matt Hardy told Brother Nero that he expects him to “procure” the TNA Tag Team Titles all by himself. Matt then forced Brother Nero to compete in a tag team match against the Tribunal by himself while Matt stood on the outside.

The fatal 4-way match is set to be taped tonight at the Impact Zone at Universal Studios and it will air next week on TNA Impact on Pop TV. You can check out a preview for the match below.



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