Titus O’Neil Comments On Greatest Royal Rumble Botch

titus o'neil

The Greatest Royal Rumble is over and it took out a good chunk of my day so that’s always fun. There were a ton of fireworks and plenty of action. The night also included a few house show endings really solidifying with the WWE Universe that the real action very well could happen at Backlash.

But one moment that stands out to me above all else is when Titus O’Neil took a superman dive down the ramp on his way to join the Greatest Royal Rumble Match. It was so fluid and dance-like that I thought it might be planned for a moment.

Perhaps his idea to win the big match was just to hide out under the ring until it ended? That would be clever, but that’s not what happened. Titus took a legit fall and the announce team laughed it up in a huge way.

Not only did they play the replay several times to ignore other action in the ring including the likes of Rey Mysterio and Daniel Bryan but Michael Cole also called it the greatest moment in Royal Rumble history. Corey Graves couldn’t contain himself for a while either as he kept rolling in laughter at O’Neil’s expense. The WWE really is like a family.


Titus O’Neil obviously knew his stumble in Jeddah brought attention to him and it looks like he’s going to use it to his benefit. Because even though he’s in Saudi Arabia he’s still going to make it rain and cash in those royalty checks.

Titus posted a picture of himself standing next to his new best friend, the ring apron. It’s just a good thing WWE didn’t install an LED board on that side of the ring or he might not be smiling as much.

He apparently thinks that he’s created something that he can cash in on with his slide into the Greatest Royal Rumble. So keep an eye on WWE’s official shop because you might have some kind of flying Titus O’Neil merch on the way.

One thing is for sure, this created a moment I’ll never forget so I guess the Greatest Royal Rumble did its job.



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