The Undertaker Reveals Vince McMahon’s Honest Reaction To His Retirement

the undertaker

The Undertaker has been lucky enough to have a very lengthy run with WWE, but it appears that he has wrestled his final match. Taker defeated AJ Styles in the first ever Boneyard Match at WrestleMania 36, and he later indicated that he has retired during The Last Ride documentary series.

The former WWE Champion talked about filming the series on the My Mom’s Basement podcast, and during the episode he revealed that Vince McMahon did not like the ending to The Last Ride.

“I have a whole group people like ‘Well you can go out and do this and people will go crazy and they’re gonna love it.’ While on the inside I’m thinking I don’t move the way I used to move, and I can’t do things the way I used to do. It’s a watered-down version. But I also love this business so much and I’ve loved performing for 30 years, it was almost like I needed someone to put the bullet in there and stop it. And once we started rolling with this, that was kind of in the back of my mind where I can get to a point where this will solidify it to where I won’t have a choice. And originally that’s where I was at until I had to send the last 15 minutes of the last episode to the Chairman. And needless to say, he did not like the ending at all. That’s where we put the line back in there ‘Never say never.’ I’m coming to grips with it and obviously as we get closer to March and April this year, I’ll have that internal feeling like I should be getting ready for something.”

As far as his retirement goes, he feels that his in-ring career is said and done, but he also noted that no one believes him.

“I think it’s all pretty much said and done. No one believes me. My wife doesn’t believe me. She rolls her eyes at me at least twice a week on something. I’ve got another buddy – I was actually in a golf tournament with him – and they were putting food out and stuff like that. And I was like ‘Nah I don’t want that or that’ and all of a sudden he looks over at me and goes ‘Getting close to April, huh?’ I tried to be as definitive in that last episode. It was much more definitive until the big man saw it and he kind of put in the little question mark. I don’t foresee it happening but never say never.”

Do you think The Undertaker will stay retired? Sound off in the comments below.



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