The Miz Comments On Damien Sandow, The Bella Twins On AJ’s Retirement


– In the Fallout video from last night’s WWE RAW seen above, The Miz talks about his win over Damien Sandow. Miz tells Rich Brennan that Sandow won’t last 5 weeks without him.

– In this RAW Fallout video, WWE Divas Champion Nikki Bella and Brie Bella discuss next week’s battle royal as well as AJ Lee’s WWE retirement. Nikki says AJ leaving is a huge loss for the Divas and she brought a lot to the division and she believes some of the other girls will step up now. She says AJ will be missed and always has a home in WWE.

The Bella Twins sound off on the Diva division: Raw Fallout, April 6, 2015


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