terry funk

Terry Funk is a hardcore legend. Throughout his decades-long career he has broken barriers, bones, and almost lost his life on several occasions purely for the entertainment of fans. Funk recently sat down with Sports Illustrated where he not only discussed his feelings about his own career, but also shared some of his thoughts about a couple current top names in WWE.

“I still love watching it, which is maybe why I don’t watch it,” Terry said. “I love it too much. I loved what I did for all of those years. What it’s evolved to? Am I happy with it? I don’t really know, but I certainly like the athletes that are in it right now, and I think there are a lot of talented people in the wrestling world right now. If they weren’t talented, they wouldn’t be producing at the box office the way they do.”

The Texas Bronco went on to share his thoughts about a couple current top names in the wrestling world including the Lunatic Fringe, Dean Ambrose: “Ambrose is a great piece of talent. He’s got the ability to take the business where it is going. He’s a very sharp and wise individual. He knows the business and where it’s going.”

He then turned his focus to The Face That Runs The Place.

“AJ Styles is of a different genre, and he’s a wonderful part of wrestling, doing things that a lot of guys can’t do. No one can do what he does unless they’re in the ring with him. AJ Styles is an excellent in-ring performer, and he’s as good of a guy that they’ve got up there right now. He’s busted his ass. He busted his ass and made it.”

Now that Terry Funk’s days as a regular in-ring talent are behind him some might assume that he might be bitter and yearning for the days of yesteryear, but they would be mistaken to assume this.

“I’ve enjoyed the way of life that I’ve chosen. I’m very proud of what I accomplished in the business, and every time I got in the ring with somebody, believe me, they did their damndest to have a great match with me, and I did the same thing with them. Wrestling is truly my life, and I love being part of the professional wrestling world. I sure love the fans, I beat up a few of them, but I still love them.”