Sting Says A Match With The Undertaker Is Going To Happen If He Gets His Way


Future WWE Hall of Famer Sting recently spoke to Fox 4 in Dallas about WrestleMania 32, his Hall of Fame induction and more. Right off the bat Sting was asked about his in ring status and he continued to emphasize that he’s not retired, and he still has his heart set on a possible match with The Undertaker.

“It’s just talk, that’s all it is. Everybody is talking except for me. TMZ and whoever else, a lot of people are saying that. The truth of the matter is, I’m undecided. I have a dream match that I want with the Undertaker. If I have my way, it’s going to happen.”

He was asked why the match so important to him he said that he wants to do it for the fans. He said fans always wanted to see the two cross paths because he was a WCW guy and The Undertaker is a WWE guy.

Sting added that he feels great and he hasn’t had surgery. He said he’s been getting mixed messages in regards to whether or not he should or shouldn’t have surgery.

“I feel great, I have not had any surgery. To be honest with you I’m getting mixed messages between doctors and wrestlers who have had surgeries, and some who maybe need surgery but have held off. I’m just pretty mixed up to be honest with you. I feel great though, there’s no side effects, I’m training in the gym, I feel great.”

You can check out the full interview below.

Sting will be inducted into the WWE Hall of Fame this Saturday night live on the WWE Network.


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