Steve Austin Says WWE Doesn’t Need To Turn Roman Reigns Heel Yet

steve austin

“Stone Cold” Steve Austin knows a thing or two about the pro wrestling business. While he might be playing a bit of armchair booking at this time there’s no doubt he would be an asset to WWE creative.

Austin recently took some questions on his podcast The Steve Austin Show Unleashed when a fan asked him about Roman Reigns and The Big Dog’s trouble getting over with fans. The Rattlesnake wasn’t shy about giving his opinion about how WWE is using Roman Reigns.

In the end Austin pointed a huge finger at WWE’s poor booking decisions and story lines. But he also warned WWE to not jump the gun on turning him heel just yet.

“I think he’s got a great physique, good looking guy, pretty damn good worker,” Stone Cold said. “Story lines have been kinda all and off hot/cold — Roman Reigns in and of itself, I think he has star written all over him. He’s still gotta find his way, he’s still gotta climb his way up the ladder. He’s built to take the road, he’s always in shape. He doesn’t get gassed out in his matches. There’s a lot to like about the guy.”

“So when he came out as the Shield — those three guys. Him, Seth, and Dean Ambrose they first came out as the Shield, they were really hot as heels. And all of a sudden they split ’em up and Roman — I don’t know it kinda just came out of that and all of those guys had to find their way and Vince picked him to be the babyface because of the response he was getting when he hit the ring.”

“He really draws your attention, if they can get his story lines straightened out I think the kid’s gonna be fine. I think they need to just keep running him like they’re running him — he’s doing good in the ring. I loved his matches with AJ.”

“I think you keep him on the road that he’s on and you don’t turn him heel just for the sake of turning him heel to make the fans happy because you’re not pushing him anymore. Because if you turn him heel, you’re going to push him even harder so then if you were tired of him to begin with because he was over-pushed to begin with in your opinion, maybe you’re not gonna like him as a heel either.”

“So if he keeps going down the road in the fashion that he is that turns in an organic fashion — heel when the time is right, or just stays down the road the kid’s gonna be just fine. He still has things to learn in the ring. He still has to work to getting to the top, top level. But he’s a top guy in my opinion.”

If you use any portion of the quotes from this article please credit The Steve Austin Show Unleashed with a H/T to Still Real To Us for the transcription


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