Steve Austin Says Titus O’Neil Got Lucky During Royal Rumble Botch


You never know what can happen in the world of pro wrestling and that goes double when the roster takes the show to Saudi Arabia.

The Greatest Royal Rumble was full of action but there were also some big mistakes all around. Not only did the announcers flub lines, but there were also plenty of botches in the ring not to mention the fact that WWE’s production crew accidentally showed women to the Saudi Arabian audience. But what tops the list for many people is Titus O’Neil’s marvelous slide into the Greatest Royal Rumble match.

Steve Austin recently discussed O’Neil’s Greatest Royal Rumble botch on The Steve Austin Show where he had a pretty hot take on things because he knows how things work around a WWE ring and that Titus got pretty lucky when sliding into home.

“Well, I’ll tell you what, I did see it. Titus O’Neil came down there and he tripped. He caught that little edge of the foam padding that’s out there surrounding the ring, and just totally ate it, and he slid all the way underneath that ring. And I’ll tell you what, he actually got lucky that he tripped the way he did and went underneath the ring because had he tripped a foot or two further down the road, he probably would’ve went head first, right into that apron, and that is steel structure, and 2x12s, and all kinds of sh-t right there.”

“So first of all, he could have been hurt by anything under the ring as well. He got so lucky that he didn’t get hurt. It’s unbelievable. And they replayed it a million times and I popped and you just pop at things like that when you see that the guys are okay.”

But in the end, The Rattlesnake knows Titus O’Neil is going to be able to dust himself off and carry on even though he essentially fell on his face in front of the entire planet.

“I wouldn’t say I felt bad for Titus. I mean, those things happen. I wish it wouldn’t have happened, but I’m sure he wishes it wouldn’t have happened. But I’m sure he laughed it off and I wouldn’t say anything to him.”

“Titus has been around for a long time and he was a heck of a college football player, so that’s just one of those things where you say, ‘hey, sh-t happens.’ You get a laugh about it and then you go on down the road. Hell, I’ve sh-t my pants in the ring before, or sh-t my trunks, so I’ve done worse things than tripping on my way to the ring.”

“As a man, Titus is pretty much a badass, so when you’re a badass like ‘Stone Cold’ and you go out there and trip, you do have some egg on your face, so you’ve just got to laugh it off, act like it never happened, and just conduct business, and that’s what Titus did.”

It’s nice to know that Steve Austin can relate to Titus because everybody makes mistakes and has embarrassing moments. It’s just a very interesting situation all around when we’re talking about something that happened in Jeddah and Austin admitting to crapping his pants at the same time.

Credit for the quotes in this article goes to The Steve Austin Show with a H/T to Wrestling Inc for the transcription


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