Steve Austin On What His Relationship Is Like With Hulk Hogan

steve austin

Hulk Hogan and Steve Austin are two of the biggest names in the history of the professional wrestling business, and fans often like to debate who is actually the bigger Superstar.

When Hogan returned to WWE after the collapse of WCW, many hoped that we would finally get to see a one on one match between “Stone Cold” Steve Austin and Hulk Hogan, but it never happened. Over the years there have been rumors that there may have been some backstage heat between Hogan and Austin, but during a recent appearance on the Sam Roberts Wrestling Podcast Austin said he doesn’t hold anything against the Hulkster.

“Me and Terry [Hogan’s shoot first name] don’t trade phone calls,” Austin said via WrestlingInc. “We’re not the best of friends. We’re not enemies. People say what they want to say or try to stir up animosity. I don’t hold anything against the guy. At the end of the day, we’re two of the guys. We’re pro wrestlers. We have a lot of things in common, [and] a lot of things that aren’t in common. But he does what he does and I think it is what it is. That’s all I can say.”

Even though Hulk Hogan appears to be retired from in-ring competition at the moment, he did express several times during his last run with WWE that he would be interested in stepping back inside a WWE ring if the opportunity presented itself.

Some people feel that Hogan already wrestled past his prime years ago, and ruined his legacy in the process, but being a former wrestler himself Austin understands that the decision of whether or not to retire is a personal one.

“That’s interesting. I get asked the question, ‘is he ruining his legacy?’ and I think I always respected what that guy did with his career, an unbelievable box office draw and a charismatic performer that so many people grew up [watching] and idolized. A lot of respect [for] him and that as far as what he did. I don’t like to talk too much about what are these guys doing still in the ring. That’s a personal decision. I made mine to get out and I live with that decision. I’m cool with it and I’m sure he’s cool with what he’s doing if he’s still doing it.”

Which name do you think is bigger when it comes to the wrestling business, Hogan or Austin? Sound off in the comments below.


  1. “Sound off” all you want, but only one of these men did the absolute most for the business for far longer….and the same guy is the one who put it mainstream. And he did it before the internet. Without Hogan WWF never would have made it.


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