Steve Austin On CM Punk Joining UFC, If He Would Have Considered MMA In His Prime


Stone Cold Steve Austin was a guest on this week’s episode of Inside MMA with Bas Rutten and the two touched on a variety of topics. Bas asked Austin about previous comments regarding a comeback and a possible match with CM Punk.

“I just like what he brings, as far as what he does in the ring, very controlled, very precise, great psychology and on the microphone. Half the battle is you’ve got to be in an angle that grabs people by the heart and soul to get them in the building, also that comes with great promos, CM Punk cuts a great promo. Him spinning off me, me spinning off him, that spells money.” Austin said.

Austin on how he thinks CM Punk will do in UFC:

“It remains to be seen. I’ll be cheering for him. Like I said, it’s not like we’re best friends but I wish him well and I’ll be real excited to see his debut.”

Austin also talked about if he would have been interested in trying MMA back in the day and named Kurt Angle as a guy who would have been able to crossover to MMA if it was a few years ago.

You can check out the full interview in the clip above.



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