Steve Austin Gives His Thoughts On The Future Of The WWE Network


Justin LaBar interviewed “Stone Cold” Steve Austin for Pittsburgh Tribune-Review, who was promoting the debut of “Steve Austin’s Broken Skull Challenge” on July 6th on CMT. During the interview, which you can check out here, Austin discussed the WWE Network.

“Obviously this is going to be a big financial changer because you’re not going to get all those buy rates,” said Austin. “I’ve had a brief experience with the WWE Network. I signed up for it. I’m not a real gadget guy. I’ve had an iPad for damn near two years, but I hardly ever use it. I put the WWE Network on there, and I typed in certain matches, they didn’t have certain things from NWA or WCW. So I’ve been going more to YouTube. I think they need a little bit more original content. I need to get on there more to familiarize myself with it. One of the things I’ve enjoyed is the old Garden stuff and from World Class (Championship Wrestling). I think it was smart to come out with the network. I think it’s going to catch on more in the next two or three years, and that’s when it will pay off.”


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