Spoiler: The Bullet Club Gets Another New Member


Adam Cole recently joined The Bullet Club at Ring of Honor’s Global Wars event and now the group has added another new member. At last night’s ROH TV tapings Adam Page also joined the group.

At the tapings the Bullet Club defeated the Briscoes, the Motor City Machine Guns and Colt Cabana. Adam Page then showed up and joined the group and he ended up hanging Chris Sabin with a noose.

ROH posted full results from the tapings which you can check out here. You can check out an excerpt from the results below which describes the events that led up to Adam Page revealing himself as the new member.

“Adam Cole, The Young Bucks, and the Guerillas of Destiny took the microphone before the evening’s card could begin. While gloating of the destruction they brought about in Chicago Ridge, they were confronted by both the Motor City Machine Guns and The Briscoes! The two teams were supposed to face each other for the first time since 2008 later in the evening but decided to band together to stop Bullet Club! A four-on-five challenge was issued – Bullet Club taunted the Guns and Briscoes for being dummies until Adam Page evened up the sides! A new main event had been set!

Finally, in a five-on-five main event, Bullet Club proved they had another ace up their sleeve, claiming that Adam Page would not be able to compete because he had been the recipient of a Superkick Party prior to the bout! Colt Cabana made a surprise entrance shortly after the match to even the odds for the MCMG and Briscoes but ultimately, it was Page that would be the difference maker. After dozens of Superkicks, Adam Page shocked the world and revealed himself as the latest member of Bullet Club, nailing Jay Briscoe with a Rite of Passage through a table and attempting to hang Detroit’s own Chris Sabin with a noose in front of his hometown fans! With The Hangman now in the balance, the Bullet Club looks as unstoppable as ever!”


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