There’s a lot of speculation that WWE is holding off on the reported Daniel Bryan vs. Dolph Ziggler match that has been making the rounds lately. This is caused by the fact that Bryan and Ziggler haven’t been teasing the match on social media like they were a few weeks ago. It’s said that here’s still a possibility that WWE might get cold feet when it comes to Roman Reigns and go with Bryan vs Lesnar at Mania.
As Triple H mentioned on his podcast with Steve Austin, plans are constantly being made on the fly. If WWE does decide to go with Reigns vs Lesnar, Bryan vs Ziggler is still in play.
What would you rather see at Wrestlemania 31, Reigns vs Lesnar or Bryan vs Lesnar?
I really hope they do. I’m sorry to the Reigns fans out there – they do exist, but WWE messed up two straight Rumbles. They wanted Bryan last year, Batista won. They wanted Bryan this year, Reigns won. You’d think they’d learn the lesson. Let Reigns’ year be 2016. Please. I want him to have his year (as much as I dislike him) just not this year. Please let Daniel Bryan have his run that was supposed to happen last year this year.
Id rather see bryan danielson vs brock
Cant remember but i dont recall there ever being a fatal four way for the belt at mania. Id like to see lesnar vs reigns vs bryan vs ziggler. That would also leave room for orton vs rollins and several other matches that the fans would like to see ie miz vs mizdow stardust vs goldust and possibly leave room for andre battle royal
Take that back there was one fatal four way but its been years
I want Bryan V Lesnar this year and Bryan V Ziggler for the title at Mania 32 in an Iron Man Match to mark the 20th anniversary of Bret V Shawn at Mania 12.
Why not a triple threat match..Bryan vs Reigns vs Lesnar for the title at Wrestlemania?