Shelton Benjamin Books First Shows After Injury, Mustafa Ali Reacts To Another Twitter Troll

shelton benjamin

Fans were extremely disappointed when WWE discovered Shelton Benjamin had a torn rotator cuff. He was on the cusp of making his return to WWE. Shelton Benjamin was actually undergoing his final medical exam before he inked a new WWE deal. However, that never came to pass and he had to go under the knife to correct his injury.

WWE even aired segments on SmackDown Live to hype Shelton Benjamin’s return to WWE. But The Gold Standard received a full medical clearance and is set to return to the ring.

Shelton Benjamin booked his first wrestling match since his medical clearance. But it’s not with WWE. To be honest, we’re not sure if WWE would bring him back at this point. After all, that window of opportunity might be a small one. But we still remain hopeful because Shelton Benjamin is not only incredibly talented but a highlight machine.

He is booked for a Brii Combination Wrestling show on April 21st. Shelton Benjamin is scheduled to take on Mike Orlando at the show. One this is for sure, if you’re in the Elmhurst New York area you’d be doing yourself a favor to catch this event. If you go, make sure you tell Shelton that Still Read To Us is rooting for him.

Shelton Benjamin is also taking his talent to the land down under. He booked another show in Sydney Australia.

We previously reported Mustafa Ali has a delicate way with words when dealing with negativity. He showed great poise earlier today when someone questioned if he was Arab or not. Ali simply replied that he was “human.”

Unfortunately, it turns out Mustafa Ali’s dealings with Twitter hate was far from over. The WWE cruiserweight had to deal with another awful tweet later on that night.

A fan tweeted at Mustafa Ali and said: “If your people could stop killing I’d really appreciate it. Thanks.” Ali replied in a manner that was respectful, but you could tell he was rather miffed by the message. Then again, we don’t really blame him.

It’s a shame Mustafa Ali has to deal with this kind of thing. But he is certainly taking the high road. He seeks to enlighten and inform rather than take the bait. His responses continue to remain confident and intelligent in his responses. Then again, maybe he’d be better off just to ignore this type of message and refuse to “feed the trolls.”


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