Seth Rollins Talks About The Shield’s Entrance Music And More


Seth Rollins recently spoke with Brett Buchanan of the Alternative Nation website. Here are some highlights:

So when The Shield debuted did you get to talk to Jim Johnson [WWE’s head of music] at all about the theme song, and could you imagine any other theme song working for The Shield?

We didn’t, when we were worried about the music. Because music to me is super important, it’s always been a big deal. I love music, I was always a stickler for wanting real music, like a real song. But when I heard Jim was going to our song, I was pretty excited because he’s got a good track record for entrance themes. I remember when we recorded the voice portion of it, that’s us actually doing the Sierra Hotel India, that’s me, Roman [Reigns], and Dean [Ambrose]. I remember recording that and then we got to hear it maybe the next week at television or something like that. It was awesome, it would be really hard to imagine now doing another song because we’re so used to hearing those words and the beat of the music coming down the stairs to it, so it’d be really hard to imagine doing something else. One song we get kind of fired up to is called “Wild Eyes” by Parkway Drive, who I’m a big fan of, the song is pretty gnarly and I think it would make a sick entrance theme actually.

WWE’s product has been TV PG for about 6 years now, but at Extreme Rules you had a pretty great jump in the crowd during the six man tag. Do you see the product moving back into a more hard hitting unpredictable style like that, or do you think that was just a special match?

I don’t think the PG rating has a whole lot to do with the style we bring in the ring. The company is now publically traded, and as you mentioned the programming is PG, but realistically a lot of the matches are still as hard hitting and fast paced and definitely more athletic than they’ve ever been. If you look at the talent roster now, you look at guys like Daniel Bryan, Cesaro, The Usos, and especially a lot of the guys coming up in NXT like Sami Zayn, Adrian Neville and myself. We’re just bringing a different element to the matches that I don’t think people are used to. So I don’t really think that the PG rating has much to do with the in ring content, as it does necessarily with the storyline content. Plus the company is just a little more keen on our safety these days too, they take extra precaution when it comes to injuries. They’ve really taken the danger out of the bleeding situation, they’ve taken the extra care to make sure that everyone’s healthier so we can be doing this longer. Realistically, that’s good for everybody. If you look at Bray Wyatt and the Wyatt Family too, their storylines are pretty edgy and sometimes borderline PG 13. I think it’s a good time to be a wrestling fan, I don’t think there’s any reason for us to move away from trying to be kid friendly.


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