Sasha Banks Wins The WWE Women’s Championship On Raw


WWE Monday Night Raw kicked off the New Era in a big way when Mick Foley and Stephanie McMahon introduced the Universal Championship and announced a WWE Women’s Championship for later in the show.

Sasha Banks took on Charlotte in a singles match with the title on the line and Sasha Banks walked out with the gold.

Sasha was on the outside at one point and she channeled her inner Eddie Guerrero when she threw the WWE Women’s Championship at Dana Brooke, who caught the belt. Sasha then made it look like Dana had attacked her and Dana was thrown out by the referee.

Sasha then got Charlotte in the ring and put her in the Banks Statement but Charlotte got out. Sasha locked it in again and made Charlotte tap out.

Sasha Banks is now the new WWE Women’s Champion.

After the match fans chanted “You deserve it!” as Sasha celebrated in the ring.



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