sami zayn

The Bloodline have become one of the most popular groups in all of WWE and it seems that Sami Zayn has become a welcome addition to the group. Zayn has been with WWE for years now, but it seems that his career has reached new heights in recent months due to the attention that he’s been getting from The Bloodline storyline.

Zayn has been receiving a lot of praise and during an interview with Peter Rosenberg the former Intercontinental Champion explained how Triple H told him he’s a “slow burn guy” during his time in NXT.

“Ages ago, Hunter [Triple H] told me this when I was in NXT, I forget exactly how he phrased it or why we were talking about it, but he said something along the lines of, ‘You’re a slow burn guy, you’re a slow build.’ I think he’s kind of right about that. Even when I compare careers, Kevin (Owens) and I coming up together. It felt like, in a lot of places, Kevin would jump out at you a bit more. ‘This Kevin guy is great,’ then it would take a minute or two for them to come around eventually, whether it was the fans or the Independents or a new territory or new company, five or six months down the line, ‘Oh, this act is really good and it delivers every time.’ I think it comes down to delivering consistently.

It’s tough to say. I don’t know if you could have plugged me into Roman’s spot and I would have been as accepted as Roman. For me, that character arc, you need to watch that progression. Then, it becomes a thing of, ‘it’s been two years, three years, five years, six years? This guy is always delivering for the last six years.’ It’s a slow and steady thing and the only way to come through is consistency. Being alongside Roman, where the level of investment is 100, always, for the audience and for the company and all sides, kind of put the pedal to the metal on that.”

H/T Fightful