WWE Intercontinental Champion Ryback, who is currently out of action due to a staph infection, spoke to STL Today this week. He talked about putting more of himself into his character among other things. You can read the full interview HERE and check out some highlights below.

“The intensity and the anger, that is all who I am, but there’s so much more than that. It just takes time to let people in, because if you let them in too soon, they might not understand it, but then over time, it just has a much better feel and pace to it, and it has been much better received that way.”

Ryback also talked about what he’s doing to improve.

“It’s watching one more match when I’m home every day than I was doing before. Instead of doing 100 burpees for my conditioning, I do 125 or 150. So it’s just making small improvements upon everything that I was already doing, and I’m already seeing the difference of that.”