Ronda Rousey Shoots Down Royal Rumble Rumors In A Big Way

ronda rousey

Ronda Rousey’s name has been floating around for a while and she’s even a top name and odds-on favorite to win the first-ever Women’s Royal Rumble match even though she’s not on the card or even officially signed with WWE.

But there is still a thought she will show up in Philly and toss everyone else over the top rope to claim a spot at WrestleMania. A match with Rowdy Ronda and Charlotte Flair has been talked about for quite some time and it seemed like she was moving closer to the ring when Rousey started training with The Brian Kendrick and was said to be learning the ropes.

But when Rousey recently spoke to TMZ, she seemed to squash any rumors that she will be appearing at the Royal Rumble. Of course, she could always be telling a half-truth in that regard because although it might be correct that she’s headed off to shoot a movie, WWE has been known to foot the bill for transportation if it’s needed in a pinch.

“I’m actually leaving to Columbus right now to finish shooting Mile 22 and I won’t be back until mid-February” Rousey told TMZ.

You can believe what you will, but we’ll know the truth if she shows up at the Royal Rumble or not. Of course, we still expect around twelve “surprise” entrants during the Women’s Royal Rumble match so if Ronda Rousey isn’t one of those names then it’s likely WWE just has other plans.

But even if Rousey doesn’t show up in Philadelphia for the Royal Rumble, if she debuts in mid-February then she will still have plenty of time to jump on the Road To WrestleMania if that’s still in the cards.

Of course, only time will tell because it is yet another wait and see kind of situation in WWE.


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