Roman Reigns Responds To Cody Rhodes Saying He’s The Biggest Draw In Wrestling

roman reigns

Roman Reigns is one of the most controversial figures in all of wrestling right now. In WWE he’s known as The Big Dog, and it’s obvious that the company is hoping fans will accept him as the top star. Being the top star in WWE comes with a lot of different responsibilities, and it doesn’t look like Roman is taking the job lightly.

Reigns is definitely not afraid to speak his mind, and he seems to have a few opinions of his own in regards to what’s going on in the independent scene.

He recently referenced The Young Bucks while saying that WWE doesn’t need guys running around acting like DX, or throwing up the “Too Sweet” hand gesture. Now some interesting comments made by Cody Rhodes have been brought to Roman’s attention, and he decided to share his opinion on those as well.

Cody Rhodes is the current ROH Champion, and during a recent promo he said that he’s the biggest draw in industry.

“It’s no longer the company that defines the man, it’s the man that defines the company, and that company is Ring of Honor, and the company that I keep is The Bullet Club. So come at me and I will be smiling. Because I am the biggest damn draw in this entire industry.”

If you haven’t seen the promo yet you can check it out below.

Roman Reigns responded to the promo after a fan asked him for his thoughts, and he said that if the house didn’t draw over 100k, then Cody is just talking silly.

It’s an interesting time to be a professional wrestling fan right now, because there are quite a few people working hard to build up the wrestling scene outside of WWE, and they seem to have the attention of WWE’s top star.


  1. Roman…..shut up! The only event you ever been in was wrestlemania in dallas if im not mistaken cody was apart of that…..if im not mistaken we boo you out the building the whole night….the only reason you main evented was because half the roster was injured…….lets just keep it real! Stop acting like we come to see you……you suck!

    • i said the same thing on the other article talking about this. roman should be taking that drug again to clear him mind or something smh


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