Roman Reigns Reacts To Fan Posting Security Footage Of Him Online

roman reigns

Roman Reigns is a very popular guy and he has a legion of fans all around the world who would recognize him right away. Therefore it’s hard for the Big Dog to do much of anything without people reminding him who he is.

Reigns recently felt the negative effects of his celebrity status when he discovered an employee at a convenience store recently recorded footage of him stopping by for some nourishment and posted it online.

It’s not every day that you see someone like Roman Reigns walk into your store so it’s understandable that the employee of this establishment was excited to see him. But did they go a bit too far?

If you ask Roman Reigns he just had one word to reply to this happening and that was “creepy.” It is rather strange and it’s easy to see how Roman might feel a bit of his privacy being invaded here. After all, it’s not like he walked into the store to shoplift anything so there really was no need to pay such close attention to him other than the fact that he’s Roman Reigns.

But this isn’t the first time people have made a big deal about Reigns doing normal human things and it probably won’t be the last. What makes this instance significant is the fact that video evidence exists to prove Roman was in public like a regular guy.

Let’s hope for Roman Reigns’ sake this kind of thing doesn’t become a normal occurrence. After all, it’s bad enough he has to keep looking over his shoulder worrying about Brock Lesnar. Now it looks like Reigns needs to be aware of regular security cameras as well.

But it’s just one more thing Reigns has to deal with as he continues his quest to become the face of WWE.

Update: The post was deleted, but I happened to snag it before it went away and posted it on my Instagram. So, enjoy!


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