Roman Reigns Defeats Braun Strowman At WWE Fastlane

roman reigns

It’s time for the Roman Reigns versus Braun Strowman. Nobody really knows what will happen during this match-up, but out of all the pieces of tonight’s puzzle, this one needs to be put together with the most care. Braun needs to look strong going out as well as Reigns. Therefore, creative needs to figure out some kind of finish to make match come off as a win-win or it could be disaster.

These two huge men are liable to destroy the ring and each other during this encounter. But, the only thing this writer could think about was whether or not The Undertaker would show up. Roman Reigns came out to a chorus of boos, and it is so obvious at this point they need to just quit making more “Big Dog” merchandise and turn him heel already, believe that.

Braun Strowman is a monster and they need to keep him as such. To sacrifice him to Roman in an attempt to get Reigns over would be a real shame. These two didn’t do much for a little bit as they just stared at each other and paced around, then Roman started an attack. But The Monster Among Men no-sold it brilliantly.

Roman Reigns clotheslined Braun outside of the ring, but the big man still landed on his feet. Strowman pulled Roman out in turn and Reigns ran off for a bit, then dodged out of Strowman’s way as he charged at him and Braun went smashing into the ring steps. Therefore the only person who can really take Strowman out is Strowman.

Strowman hit Roman Reigns with a spinebuster and then tossed Reigns across the ring. That was fun to watch. The pace of the match slowed down a bit and The Big Dog kept taking punishment in the process.

Strowman continued the pressure and Roman Reigns started to look limp while in a rear chinlock from the big man, but he slowly mounted his comeback. Roman tried to topple Braun two times with clotheslines, but he couldn’t get the monster to fall. Braun had this match clearly in his control.

Braun started dismantling the Spanish announce table and had plans of ill-intent in his eyes. However, Roman managed to wiggle out of a powerslam attempt but his comeback wouldn’t last long as Braun caught him by the neck in a “drive-by” attempt and sent him into the post.

They got back in the ring and Roman started an offense on Braun as the big man looked dazed. Roman reversed a chokeslam attempt and turned it into a Samoan Drop for a two-count. The Big Dog got back up and cocked his fist, however he didn’t land the Superman Punch.

Braun caught Reigns and flattened him with a brutal slam for another two-count. However, the longer this match went, the more the crowd seemed to root against Roman. The match strategy isn’t working in that regard.

Braun went for a big boot in the corner but Reigns moved out of the way and Strowman went careening to the floor. Roman hit a “drive-by” on Braun but he didn’t leave his feet. Roman went for a spear, but Braun caught him and power slammed him through the announce table. Now the Spanish commentators will have nowhere to put their notes for the rest of the night.

Braun rolled Roman in the ring but took a spear from Reigns for a close two-count. It would have been horrible if the match ended that way. You can’t have Roman win with a spear when Goldberg uses a spear and it’s not even his finisher.

Reigns went for another Superman Punch but Braun blocked it. However, Roman hit the big man with a couple more of those moves but didn’t do much besides piss Braun off. Braun pushed Roman down and scaled the top rope.

Braun went for a top-rope headbutt but Roman moved out of the way. Roman hit Braun with another spear and Roman won clean. But, he only won because Braun took himself out first.

This is a disappointing booking decision, to say the least. But, Roman reigns supreme in this encounter.


  1. Typical Roman match. Get beat up, and come back with Superman punches, and a spear. Why do they insist on this underdog story on someone that never looses.


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