Ric Flair On How He Feels About John Cena Tying His World Title Record


John Cena became a 16 time WWE World Champion on Sunday night when he defeated AJ Styles at the Royal Rumble, and he has now tied Ric Flair’s World Title record.

Although some fans might not be too thrilled about the fact that John Cena tied Flair’s record, Flair himself couldn’t be happier for John Cena. Flair was asked to comment on John Cena’s big accomplishment after Cena won the belt on Sunday, and here’s what Ric Flair had to say:

“It was fabulous. I’m John’s biggest fan. Not only as a person, a human being, but as a wrestler, he’s a great guy. He works incredibly hard, he’s had a great career. He’s been the flagship for this company for a long time. If somebody’s going to get that record, or tie it, or ultimately break it, I couldn’t be happier for it to be John Cena. Love the guy. He’s a great guy. You have to know how hard he’s worked to get that. It takes a lot of work and a lot of time to win 16 World Titles.”

You can check out the clip below.

Ric Flair comments on John Cena tying his World Title record: Royal Rumble Exclusive, Jan. 29, 2017

There you go folks, the Nature Boy is fully behind John Cena tying his record, and even possibly breaking it.

Would you like to see John Cena win another World Title and break Ric Flair’s record before he hangs up his sneakers? Sound off in the comments below.


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