The Miz Reveals Vince McMahon’s Reaction To His Most Embarrassing Moment In WWE

the miz

The Miz has had a lot of moments throughout his career in WWE, and on the debut episode of Uncool with Alexa Bliss he recently discussed his most embarrassing moment.

Back in 2006 The Miz was working as the host of the Diva Search, and at one point he forgot the phone number that fans had to call to vote.

The former WWE Champion explained that as soon as he got backstage he promised Vince McMahon that would never happen again.

“I forgot the phone number at the Diva Search, and I was the host of the show. I literally forgot everything. When you’re a host and you don’t have cue cards, you don’t have a teleprompter, you’re just out there and if you forget the phone number that everyone has to call to vote in on – guess what? That’s not a good thing, and it’s not like it was on a board or anything like that I can actually read off of. When that happens, you get this kind of knot in your stomach, you get a panic, you get a cold sweat going, and I never felt that before in my life. And when that happened, I was like, ‘Oh my God.’ and this is what happened, and I froze. “Everything just went white and I was like, ‘Oh my God,’ and thank God that the producers played someone’s music because I was like ‘I’m gone, I have nowhere else to go. I couldn’t do anything, and it was the most embarrassing thing and I’ll never forget it – I went up to Vince and I go, ‘That will never happen again, I am so sorry.’ He goes, ‘No, I know it will never happen again, you will work on it.’ And I worked, and I worked, and I worked. Sometimes, I still get those moments of, ‘Oh my God, I don’t know what to say’ but then it just ends up happening.”

Obviously things have worked out well for The Miz, as he’s gone on to win numerous championships, and he’s also considered by many to be one of the better talkers in the business.




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