Released WWE Star In Talks With Playboy


Fans have seen many of their favorite stars get released from WWE in recent months, and Chelsea Green happened to be one of the names who got cut back in April.

Since then Chelsea Green has been busy building up her brand and her podcast, and she stated in the past that she hoped to work with Playboy. Now it seems that her wish is coming true as Chelsea Green noted on a recent episode of Green With Envy that she’s currently in talks with Playboy.

“If I’m being honest, I have some really exciting news though. I can’t fully share what it is. But I can say that I am in talks with Playboy again for some fun stuff. So we’ve kind of progressed our conversations to a little more serious stuff. Now, it’s not a photoshoot. So don’t get too excited. But it is some digital stuff. It’s really fun. I’m so excited for it. I should be able to tell you guys all soon once I sign this contract for it. But for now, I’ve been sworn to secrecy and you guys know it’s not my strong suit.”

Green teased that she’s also in talks with a company that could potentially help grow her podcast.

“I’m also in talks with a company to kind of grow this podcast. Obviously, you guys have been along for the ride with me in terms of me trying to figure out what I’m doing with this podcast. You guys have stood behind me when I tried to get Barstool beside me, which I love you for. But I think now we’ve moved on, I can’t wait forever, I would be waiting until I’m 85 I’d be 85 and still podcasting about my embarrassing moments. When barstool finally wants me to sign on. So I started chatting with different companies to see if there were any proper fits for me. I think I may have found something, I haven’t fully decided yet, but I’m feeling positive about it. So let’s just manifest all of the good things to come in 2022. In fact, we can just start manifesting now. Maybe it’ll all come true before the new year.”

Stay tuned for updates.

Fatal 4-Way Survivor Series Qualifying Match: SmackDown, Nov. 13, 2020

H/T Fightful


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