WWE has gone through a lot of changes over the last few years and a number of wrestlers have been released from the company. Last year Matt Riddle was released from WWE, but he’s still actively competing inside the ring.

During his run with WWE, Matt Riddle worked with some big names and he also formed a tag team with Randy Orton. Together Riddle and Orton won the Raw Tag Team Titles as RK-Bro. Eventually RK-Bro started to feud with The Bloodline, but Matt Riddle recently explained during an appearance on The Bubba Army that his relationship with Roman Reigns didn’t get off to a great start.

“The promo was, you know, RK-Bro was killing it, and the guy who set up the interview beforehand told me to mention how RK-Bro was killing it in merchandise and how we were the best team, better than the Bloodline, since Randy and I were feuding with them.

“So, I talked trash, saying RK-Bro was selling more t-shirts and got into the merchandising numbers and all that. If we got into a cage or a ring, I’d beat the brakes off everybody in the Bloodline. I don’t care if you’re the Tribal Chief or whatever.

“Roman was mad at me, sent me a text saying that what I did was unprofessional. I thought I should probably apologize, so I wrote an apology saying it was my bad, I was kind of told to talk trash, and I didn’t mean to cross a line, but I could beat him up in real life. I showed the text to Randy, and he said, ‘Oh no, dude Roman is not going to like that. You don’t want to talk to him like that.’ Randy gave me a non-apology apology, which was very much a Randy apology. When I sent that to Roman, he got angry.

“I said, ‘I’m sorry, bro. My bad, dude. It won’t happen again.’ Randy was like, ‘Things happen, hopefully we can work in the future.’ The next time I saw Roman was at a Live Event, right when we were coming back from COVID. I said, ‘What’s up, Roman?’ but he didn’t say a word and just walked by. It was awkward.

“As we were walking past each other, he didn’t respond, but about five or ten steps away, I heard him call me a b****.”

Riddle went on to say that Roman Reigns did the same exact thing to him when they crossed paths the next day. However as time passed RK-Bro continued to work with The Bloodline and Riddle noted that he and Roman were cool by the time they ended up facing off in a singles match for the Universal Championship.

H/T eWrestlingNews.com