randy orton

Randy Orton has been in the professional wrestling business for decades now and his list of accomplishments speaks for itself. The Viper has won numerous championships and he’s also defeated some of the biggest names in the industry. It’s safe to say that Randy Orton has had a Hall of Fame worthy career which means it’s likely only a matter of time before he’s inducted.

Recently Randy Orton talked about a potential Hall of Fame induction while speaking with Cody Rhodes on “What Do You Wanna Talk About?” and Orton named John Cena when he was asked about his pick for a potential inductor.

“Gosh, I almost even don’t want to say because I feel like he’d hear this and then feel obligated, but maybe John [Cena]. There’s a few reasons. Selfishly, because I know that he would knock it out of the f****** park.”

“I have a tendency to sell myself short, and I feel like, maybe he would love to do it. But I don’t know that I could ask him. You know what I’m saying? And I almost don’t even want to think about it until that time comes, if it comes.”

John Cena has announced that he will be retiring at the end of 2025 which means he only has so many matches left. Cena noted that he hopes to work around 36 dates, and Randy has stated that he hopes to face Cena one more time before his in-ring career comes to an end.

H/T F4Wonline.com