Randy Orton On When He Could Retire, Who Should Induct Him Into The Hall Of Fame

randy orton

Randy Orton has been in the professional wrestling business for a long time, and it’s safe to say that he’s had a Hall of Fame worthy career with WWE. It seems highly likely that The Viper will be inducted someday, and during a recent interview with Adam’s Apple he named a few potential inductors.

“My wife actually just brought that up the other day, and we were thinking about it and it was kind of funny because we didn’t know who would be the guy. Hunter came up, and Cena came up, Flair came up, but you know, I don’t know if I could get Cena to come in from Hollywood to do it. Maybe he could do it virtually, I don’t know.”

Even though Randy Orton has been in the business for decades now he’s still going strong, and he indicated that he hopes to wrestle for at least another 10 years.

“I just turned 40 a year ago, I got another decade in me, you know. We’ll see.”

Alpha Academy will defend the Raw Tag Team Titles against RK-Bro and Kevin Owens & Seth Rollins in a triple threat match tonight on Raw. Stay tuned for more updates as they become available.

Randy Orton hits Otis with thunderous RKO: Raw, Dec. 27, 2021

H/T Wrestling Inc.


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