randy orton

Randy Orton has been one of the top stars in WWE for decades now and he knows a thing or two about winning championship gold. The Viper has won numerous titles during his run with WWE and he is a 14 time WWE World Champion.

It’s safe to say that Randy Orton knows how to get to the top of WWE and during a recent interview with Sportskeeda’s WrestleBinge he was asked if anyone on the roster stands out to him. Orton praised Austin Theory while making it clear that he sees Theory as a future champion.

“I don’t have a crystal ball or anything, but Austin Theory is young and he’s got a great look. I know where his head’s at. I’ve had plenty of talks with him, and a lot of the things I did as a kid that I maybe shouldn’t have — the distractions that I was confronted with — he doesn’t have those.

I think he’s just a little more gung ho, motivated, and he sees the goal, he sees the prize, he knows what he wants. And I think he’ll definitely be a world champion one day.”

Do you think Austin Theory has what it takes to become WWE Champion someday? Sound off in the comments below.

H/T Wrestling Inc.