Randy Orton And AJ Styles Have A Budding Rivalry Over Mario Kart


WWE Superstars have a little bit of free time on their hands when they’re not wrestling, doing media appearances, working out in the gym, or sleeping. Sometimes there isn’t a lot of time to do what you really want to do. But when there is downtime in the WWE locker room a lot of people have turned to video games as a viable source of entertainment.

You’re probably aware of the fact that Xavier Woods has created quite a following for himself with his Up Up Down Down YouTube channel. Woods’ YouTube side project regularly features some of the top names in WWE doing battle in the video game world.

There’s a reason why so many people seem to be interested in video games in the WWE locker room. Not only do video games present a chance to compete in a non predetermined arena, but it’s a lot of fun as well.

It turns out Randy Orton and AJ Styles have a little video game feud going on right now and it’s centered around Mario Kart. The Viper was recently victorious over AJ Styles in a battle of skill on the virtual track and he wasn’t shy about gloating a little bit.

AJ Styles had a few reasons why he lost the game. Apparently, he wasn’t working with the right hardware, Orton has all the upgrades already, AJ’s thumb hurts, and he just got the game. The Phenomenal One was also quite sleepy as well.

With such a laundry list of excuses, it’s easy to see why AJ Styles lost the race against Randy Orton. But no matter how legitimate his reasons might have been, Orton wasn’t buying it.

It’s great to see WWE Superstars getting along like this even if they’re throwing a little trash talk at each other. AJ and Randy aren’t the only ones who enjoy playing video games though. So keep a close eye on Twitter because when they’re traveling overseas like they are right now, and there’s no telling what kind of fun can develop in the virtual world.





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