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Since AEW first launched in 2019 a number of people have parted ways with the company, and it was reported that Vice President of Post Production Kevin Sullivan was let go this week. It was also reported that the call was made by Mike Mansury, the Senior Vice President and Co-Executive Producer.

Dave Meltzer claimed on Wrestling Observer Radio that a lot of people were not happy about the departure. It was noted that Kevin Sullivan was one of the people who was with the company from the start and the feeling is that AEW is changing into something that it wasn’t.

“There’s a lot of people that were not happy about this today, which is also one of the reasons I think why there’s a lot of… all day hearing negativity, is because of this one because he’s been there from the start, and there’s this feeling that the company is changing. The feeling that it’s changed and it’s become something that it wasn’t.”

“And this is another sign of the idea that they took a guy from WWE and replaced their… I can’t even say replaced because they were two different jobs – Mike Mansury is the head of the production at the shows, and Kevin Sullivan was the head of the post-production. But the idea that they brought in a guy from WWE and put him above the guy that they had, who had the ability to get rid of the guy.”

“So that was, for people who had been there from the start, I could see where that’s another thing of WWE guys taking the place of guys who were here from the start.”