the bloodline

The Bloodline storyline has been one of the most talked about WWE storylines in years and its helped to raise the profiles of several stars in the company. When it comes to putting the storyline together it sounds like there have been many cooks in the kitchen, and Paul Heyman recently explained on the SI Media podcast exactly who has been contributing to the storyline.

“You know the old expression, ‘it takes a team?’ It certainly has with us. There are a lot of people who have worked really hard to make this work. It kind of all filters through Roman Reigns’ field. There are several people that come to me to present things to Roman, and then Roman and I will talk about it and comeback with either something that fits into their narrative or something that we would hope, we could perhaps enhance it or put it in our own words, or come back with, ‘that doesn’t work for us, what about this?’ and start a different process and we’re bouncing ideas off of them.

When I say ‘them,’ the thing with Sami started when Vince (McMahon) was still running creative, so it started under Vince McMahon’s creative regime. it was a seamless transition to Paul Levesque [Triple H]. There are times when we’re sitting in the room and it’s Roman, me, the Usos, and one of the Usos, will just say, ‘You know what would be really good with Sami?’ ‘Oh my God, why aren’t we doing that already?’ You’ll find things that come from the Usos that would shock you, just how great they are.

There is Michael Hayes. He has an understanding about telling a story within the body of a match that very few in history could ever claim to be on par with. The SmackDown writing team, which is led by Ryan Callahan, who is an unsung hero in what we’ve put together. Ryan Callahan​​​​​​​ and his team. Michael Kirshenbaum, who you never hear about. On a week to week basis, along with a gentleman named Chad Barbash, Zach Hyatt, there are all people who will come and sit in a room with us or on Roman’s bus or on a conference call and we’ll throw around ideas. ‘What resonates with you? You have teenage kids, this story of acceptance, what tales are they telling from the cafeteria at lunch time in high school?’ It’s really a team and a lot of unsung heroes and a lot of people you don’t read about online because they very intentionally keep their names out of the headlines, who have worked their asses off to put this together.”

H/T Fightful