
It looks like Paige lost a fan or at least she lost a follower. WWE’s Anti-Diva recently posted a picture of her on Instagram where she appeared to be in Washington DC at the March For Our Lives demonstration. It was said this march was so massive you could see it from space, and one of those tiny dots happened to be Paige. However, one fan didn’t appreciate her stance or the fact she used her social media to talk about what she was up to.

Instead of total approval, Paige looked on her Twitter notifications and discovered one fan had replied in a rather upset manner where he proclaimed he was now unfollowing her for the March For Our Live related post.

He said, “Today I unfollowed one of my favorite WWE female superstars, Paige, because she, like so many others, decided to use her celebrity status as a platform to push an unconstitutional political agenda.”

This prompted Paige to reply asking if it had more to do with the fact she was showing support for the movement or the fact that it didn’t gel with his beliefs concerning March For Our Lives.

The disapproving fan replied saying, “it’s actually because you’re using your WWE social media to post your political beliefs. You’re entitled to your beliefs and regardless of what many might think I respect them… however I followed your WWE social media because I’m a fan of your WRESTLING, not your politics.” Obviously, he isn’t a fan of the March For Our Lives protest.

Paige then questioned what the endgame might be if this kind of thinking is what people actually want. She asked whether she should create another account for her personal beliefs and keep another for wrestling.

It might get confusing if Paige were to do this, but she cleverly commented how her second account would probably still create a following in spite of it all.